Scottish shale Scottish shale

Torbanehill No.2 pit

Bathgate, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
post 1870
Current status of site:
The area was subject to opencast working c.1990 - no surface traces survive.
Regional overview:
Mines in the Boghead coal

Pit to the Boghead Coal, common coal and ironstone, about 17 fathoms (30m.) deep, within the lands of the Torbanehill estate. Linked by tram-road to the Wilsontown, Coltness and Morningside Railway.

According to the OS Name Book OS1/34/9/42 c.1854:

" This pit is situated a few chains north of the farmstead Hall Torbane. It is 58 fathoms in depth & worked by two engines - one a water engine 120 horsepower & a winding engine 35 horse power. There are four seams of Rough Coal Varying from 2 to 3 feet in thickness & one Seam of excellent Parrot Coal from 7 to 14 inches in thickness; there are only small balls of Ironstone found in this pit. It is worked by Messrs Russel & Son, Falkirk"

  • Location of pit and boundary of the lands of Torbanehill estate.

    I descended into No. 2, which was wrought by a small steam-engine. The depth of the shaft was 17 fathoms. From the bottom of the shaft, a drift was carried for 80 yards, in a northerly direction, with a dip of about 1 in 12.

    Thomas Stewart Trail, Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh. 5th December 1853.



    Yesterday morning the engine of No.2 pit Torbanehill, suddenly went out of order, whereby two brothers, named Smith, were precipitated to the bottom of the shaft. One of them had a leg broken, and the other man was severely injured.

    The Scotsman, 14th May 1870