Scottish shale Scottish shale

Torbanehill No.16 pit

Bathgate, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian

Pit in the lands of Torbanehill. Seemingly one of a dozen or so small scale pits that were worked briefly during the 1880's to extract remaining pockets of Boghead Gas Coal, close to its outcrop.

  • The 1885 List of Mines records Torbanehill No.16 pit, owned by Robert. R. Horne, Torbanehill Coal was worked by the longwall method but abandoned, with a downcast shaft 5' x 4½' and 47 fathoms deep and upcast 5' x 3' and 47 fathoms deep.
  • The 1886 List of Mines records Torbanehill No.16 pit, owned by Robert. R. Horne. Torbanehill Coal was worked by the longwall method but abandoned, with a downcast shaft 5' x 4½' and 47 fathoms deep and upcast shaft 5' x 3' and 47 fathoms deep. A non-fiery mine ventilated by furnace.

  • Location of pit, and boundary of the lands of Torbanehill