Scottish shale Scottish shale

Craigrigg pit

Pit at an unknown location in the Armadale, probably associated with the pits in the lands of Woodend

  • The 1883 List of Mines records Craigrigg pit, owned by the Coltness Iron Co. Ltd. manager D. Cranston, working the Mill coal by the longwall method, employing 6 on the surface and 50 underground. The downcast shaft was 5.5' x 5.5' and 182 ft deep, the upcast was 5' x 5' and 255 feet deep. It was a non-fiery pit
  • The 1885 List of Mines records Craigrigg pit, owned by the Coltness Iron Co. Ltd. manager D. Cranston, working the Mill coal by the longwall method. The downcast shaft was 10' x 5' and 182 ft deep, the upcast was 4' x 5' and 255 feet deep. It was a non-fiery pit, described as standing.