Make a Donation

Please help us to preserve a unique heritage
Our museum is custodian of a unique local heritage that is also of national and international significance.
Our collection of archives and objects illustrate the many aspects of this special history, and safely preserve these tangible links between past and future generations.
Through this website, we share many of these resources on-line, while continuing research, recording and digitisation works that add to this knowledge. We work with local communites to help celebrate their heritage, and as part of Almond Valley Heritage Trust, we explore fun and imaginative ways of inspiring families and young children.
Our museum receives no revenue funding from local or national government, although we benefit greatly from the voluntary efforts of an enthusuastic band of supporters.
If you've found this website of interest and value, we hope that many consider making a donation towards our work.
All donations will be greatly appeciated; every little helps.
Thank you