Scottish shale Scottish shale

Fauldhouse No.9 pit

Whitburn, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
Current status of site:
Within forested area with bing partly landscaped.

An ironstone, and subsequently a coal pit in the lands of Benthead. Workings in the Slatyband ironstone (in association with Fauldhouse No.8) were abandoned in the 1878

  • The 1883 List of Mines records Fauldhouse No.9, owned by William Dixon Ltd. manager Thomas Nimmo, working the Shotts Ball coal by the longwall method, employing 8 on the surface and 54 underground. The downcast shaft was 15' x 7' and 300 ft deep, the upcast was 12' x 5.5' and 270 feet deep. It was a non-fiery mine ventilated by furnace.
  • The 1885 List of Mines records Fauldhouse No.9, owned by William Dixon Ltd. manager Thomas Nimmo, working the Shotts Ball coal by the longwall method, employing 9 on the surface and 67 underground. The downcast shaft was 15' x 6½' and 300 ft deep, the upcast was 12' x 5 ½' and 270 feet deep. It was a non-fiery mine ventilated by furnace.

  • Location of No.9 pit, and boundary of the lands of Benthead