Scottish shale Scottish shale

Cuthill (lands)

Whitburn, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
  • Location map
    Lessee Owner Start date End date Relinquished date Full record
    Young's PL&MO Co. Ltd Walter Whyte's executors 1870 1890 215812 (page 47)
    Oakbank Oil Co. Ltd John Lawrence Hamilton 1941 1972 1963 183755 (page 276)

    The lease held by Young's Co.of the shale and coal in the lands of Cuthill .... it has been decided to give notice terminating the lease at Whitsunday, 1921

    Minutes of Directors meeting of Scottish Oils Ltd. held 12th November 1920 See full record: 100658

    Young's oil co also leased Cuthill farm,