Scottish shale Scottish shale

Ochiltree No.2 mine

Linlithgow, Linlithgowshire
Local authority:
West Lothian
Seams worked:
Broxburn Shale
Current status of site:
Mine site landscaped to form part of Bridgend golf course


Inclined adit

Serving Champfleurie (Bridgend) Oil Works, subsequently Philpstoun Oil Works

A shale mine developed soon after construction of Champfleurie (Bridgend) Oil Works, and subsequently worked in association with Ochiltree No. 3. Ochiltree No. 2 & 3 was re-opened by James Ross & Company following the collapse of the Linlithgow Oil Company Ltd in 1902.

Shale-field: Champfleurie, Philpstoun and Blackness shale-field.

Mapped by the Ordnance Survey of c.1897, No. 2 mine is showing heading north west from a staging shared with No. 3 Mine.

  • Location & workings at Ochiltree No. 2 mine
    • Show seams:

  • Detailed maps
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  • External references
    • Coal Authority Mine Abandonment Catalogue No. 5882, showing workings in the Broxburn Shales from Ochiltree No. 2 and 3, abandoned in 1912.