Scottish shale Scottish shale

Gavin Paul & Sons (Limited)

Company number:
Share capital:
Registered office:

14 Torphichen St., Edinburgh

A limited company formed in 1898 to take forward the interests of Gavin Paul & Son.

Owner of:

All surviving pits in the Bathgate were purchased by William Baird & Co. Ltd in c.1921


Gavin Paul & Sons (Limited) has been formed to acquire and carry on the business of coalmasters and coal merchants, and to acquire and carry on the following collieries and coalfields held in lease by Messrs Gavin Paul & Sons, coalmasters in Edinburgh, together with the railways, railway waggons. colliery plant, and coal depot plant; pertaining thereto. The collieries of the firm are , situatate near Bathgate and consist of and are held under the following, leaseholds.

  1. Leasehold of coals and other minerals in the lands of Mosside, Wester Inch, and Whitehill, held on a lease for 31 years from Martinmas 1897. A lease of the minerals in Mosside was held by the deceased Gavin Paul from 1877, and the leasehold now existing has been arranged for a new period from Martinmas. 1897 in view of the intended development of mineral workings.
  2. Leasehold of coal and other minerals in the lands of Standhill, near Bathgate for 31 years from Whitsunday, 1897.
  3. Leasehold of coal and other minerals in the lands of Riddoch-hill, near Bathgate, held for 21 years from Martinmas 1888, ie to Martinmas, 1909.
  4. Leasehold of coal and other minerals in the lands of Boghead, near Bathgate; for 30 years from Whitsunday 1897 .
  5. Leasehold of coal in part of the lands of Balbardie to Whitsunday, 1924.

The areas contained in these leaseholds, and the minerals worked in them are worked as one colliery, but not all by the sarne pits. They are connected with the North British Railway by a private line of railway belonging to Messrs Gavin Paul & Sons, constructed on ground held in lease from the governors of Daniel Stewart's Hospital, the duration of which is to Whitsunday, 1924. A valuation of the assets to be acquired and further information as to tbe position and prospects of the undertaking will be found in the prospectus. The share capital of the company is £65,000, divided into 3000 Preference shares of £10 each and 300 Ordinary shares of £10 each. The Preference shares are entitled to a Cumulative Preference dividend of 5 per cent. per annum, and also to priority on the capital of the company before the Ordinary shares. The whole of the Preference shares are now offered for subscription. The whole of of the Ordinary shares will be taken by the vendor., in payment of the price. The lists open on Saturday.

Glasgow Herald, 25th February 1898