Scottish shale Scottish shale

Balbardie Colliery Co. Ltd.

Company number:
Share capital:
Incorporated 1896
Dissolved 1907

Limited company established to take forward the interests of Henry Walker & Cameron. Acquired by William Baird & Co. Ltd.

Proprietors of


No. 3109 -The Balbardie Colliery Company (Limited). established with a capital of £50,000, divided into 5,000 £10 shares, of which 2500 are G per cent. Preference shares and the remaining 2,500 are Ordinary shares, to carry on the business or mining in Scotland, to acquire the collieries, mineral leases, and mining plant of the Balbardie Collieries, near Bathigate, and the mineral fields of Balbardie. Ballencrieff, Bathgate. The subscribers are William Hamilton Walker, coalmaster. Airdrie ; James Mitchell, banker. Airdrie; James . Dixon, mining engineer, Glasgow, G. Whitelaw. coalmaster, Wishaw ; John M. Alson, writer, Coatbridge:- George E. Watson C.A. Edlnburgh; and William Drummond, S.S.C, Edinburgh.



Balbardie Colliery Company Limited. Proposal to Sell the Works.

We understand that in consequence of Mr W. R. Walker, the managing director of the Balbardie Colliery Coy., Ltd., being in ill-health, and who, owing to his indisposition intends resigning his position as such, the directors, although with some reluctance have come to the conclusion, that as his position would lie difficult to fill, the best way would lie to sell their works.

Recently a large capital sum was subscribed for with a view to the erecting of coke ovens and everything in connection with the Company is in a sound and flourishing position. The year's workng of the Colliery was very satisfactory and the proposal to sell is entirely due to Mr Walker, who has proved an ideal managing director. feeling that the state of his health will not warrant him continuing his arduous duties, and the directors feeling that it would he advisable to accept good other offers by a leading firm of coalutasters. At the present time a thorough stocktaking is being made in connection with the works at Easton and Balbardie, which points to the possibility of the works changing hands on an early date. Indeed rumour has it already as an au fait accompli, but this is not quite correct as the matter has yet to come before an extraording general meeting. The matter will, we understand be brought up at a general meeting of the Company to be held shortly.

The name of a well known Colliery firm has already been mentioned in connection with the proposed change and while the Balbardie Company has proved a great boon to Bathgate since its inauguration there is no reason to doubt hut that under the new Company ita position will certainly not lie less satisfactory. Our representative called on several of the officials, but they expressed regret that they could give no information and would neither affirm or deny any questions put to them regarding the matter. We believe, however, that the statements made are fairly correct from the facts we have gleaned from other sources.

West Lothian Courier, 20th April 1906