Mineral Oil. —Messrs. Rankin & Mitchell, in connection with the Wareham Oil Company, an English concern, have in course of erection at Drumgray, about four miles north-east from Airdrie, extensive works for the manufacture oil from shale. A portion of the works has been so far completed as permit of the process of distillation being commenced immediately. The oil will made only in its crude state at Drumgray, and sent thence via Bo'ness the Wareham Oil Co.'s Works, near Poole, for refinement. Messrs Geo. Bennie & Co., Kinning Park Foundry, Glasgow, the contractor, have introduced great many improvements into the distilling apparatus, The retorts and condensers are an entirely novel construction, and the introduction of superheated steam into the former the produce is nearly doubled, and the oil improved purity and odour, Messrs Bennie are at present introducing some of these improvements to the oil work at Palace craig, and are about to erect another large manufactory at Crofthead, near Bathgate,
The Glasgow Morning Journal, 19th October 1863
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT. FRIDAY, JULY 1. (Before Vice-Chancellor Sir JOHN STUART.) YOUNG v. THE WAREHAM OIL AND CANDLE COMPANY Mr. MALINS, Q.C., Mr. W.P. DICKINS and Mr THEODORE ASTON moved on behalf of the defendants in this cause to stay all proceedings therein, pending the appeal to the House of Lords in Young v. Fernie, recently decided in this branch of the court, the defendants undertaking that the decision of the House of Lords in Young v. Fernie as to the validity of the plaintiff Young's patent, dated in October, 1850 for making paraffin oil and paraffin should be binding on them, and that they should not, until after the expiration of Young's patent in October next, make paraffin oil and paraffin from the Boghead or Torbanehill mineral. Mr. KARSLAKE, for the plaintiffs, Messrs. Young, Meldrum, and Binney, was not called upon. The VICE-CHANCELLOR refused the motion, with costs.
The Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply, & Sanitary Improvement, 12th July 1864
SPECIAL Resolution of the Wareham Oil and Candle Company (Limited). At a Special General Meeting of the Wareham Oil and Candle Company (Limited), held at the Office of the Company, No. 21, Abchurch-lane, in the city of London, on the 20th day of April, 1864, Edward Kerrich, Esq., in the Chair, it was moved by James Bell, Esq., seconded by G. Wills, Esq., and resolved:
"That this Company be wound up by voluntary liquidation in pursuance of the powers contained in the Companies' Act, 1862"
It was moved by H. W. Kerrich, Esq., seconded by L. L. Woodhouse, Esq., and resolved:
"That for the purpose of winding up the affairs of this Company, William Woodcock, of 2C, Great George-street, Westminster, Gentleman,, and James Bell, of 21, Abchurch-lane, in the City of London, Gentleman, be hereby appointed the Liquidators thereof, and that they, as such Liquidators, may take all necessary steps for selling or transferring the Property of the Company to any Company that may be formed for the purchase of the same, with instructions to the effect that they (the Liquidators) were to procure from a new Company, if formed, as purchase-money, the sum of £15,000 in fully paid-up Shares, and a further sum of £5,000 in cash. The stock-in-trade and book debts to be taken at a valuation."
It was moved by G. Wills, Esq., seconded by Mr. Kerrich, and resolved:
"That the said William Woodcock and James Bell, as such Liquidators, are hereby authorised and empowered to receive in compensation or part compensation, for such transfer or sale, shares, or other like interests, in such new or other Company, for. the purpose of distribution amongst the Shareholders and Creditors of this Company, or may enter into any other arrangement which they may deem expedient."
It was moved by E. Southby, Esq., seconded by L. L. Woodhouse, Esq., and resolved:
"That such Liquidators shall have full and ample powers to do all and every such acts, in connection with the winding up ot this Company, and at all such times as if they were appointed solely under the provisions of the Companies' Act, 1862, and that notwithstanding anything that may be or appear to be restrictive or to the contrary in any clause or clauses of the Articles of Association of this Company."
Edwd. Kerrich, Chairman.
SPECIAL Resolution of the Wareham Oil and Candle Company (Limited)
At a Special General Meeting of the Wareham Oil and Candle Company (Limited), convened for the purpose of confirming the Resolutions passed at the Special General Meeting of the 20th April, 1864, and held at the Offices of the Company, No. 21, Abchurch-lane, in the city of London, on the 6th day of May, 1864, Edward Kerrich Esq., in the Chair, the Minutes passed at the Special General Meeting of the Company, held on the 20th April, 1864, were read and affirmed; it was moved by the Chairman, seconded by George Wills, Esq., and resolved:
" That the Resolutions passed at the Special General Meeting of the 20th April be confirmed."
Edwd. Kerrich, Chairman.
The London Gazette, 16th August 1864