Bituminous Shale Company.
NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the next session for leave to bring in a Bill, for the incorporation of a Company, to be called the New Bituminous Shale Company, with all such power as may be necessary for the purpose of extracting, distilling, or manufacturing from a certain material or substance, called or known as Schistus or Bituminous Shale, Blackstone Kimmeridge coal, or any earth, clay, mineral, or other like substance, certain oils, pitch, and gaseous unctions, carbonaceous and other products, and to sell and dispose of the same; and in the event of the incorporation of the said Company as aforesaid, for the execution of the works and matters as aforesaid, it is further intended in the said Bill, to authorize a certain Company, called the Bituminous Shale Company, to sell all their right, title, and interest in certain works, patents, buildings, machinery, stores, leases, contracts, and other property, whatsoever and wheresoever, and to enable the said New Bituminous Shale Company to purchase the same upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the said Companies. Dated this thirteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. Harry S. Styan, Lincoln's-inn, Solicitor to the said company.
The London Gazette, 21st November 1851
The Business and Interest of the Bituminous Shale Company are now Amalgamated with this Company. CAPITAL, £50,000, in 50.000 SHARES of £1 EACH, TO BE PAID UP IN FULL COMPLETELY
- The Hon. Frederick G. Brabazon Ponsonby, Mount-Street, Grosvenor-Sqnare.
- James Walkinshaw, Esq., Sackville-Street, Piccadilly.
- H. Tudor Davies, Esq., 10, Crown Office-Row. Temple
- .J. W. Rathbone, Esq., Belle Vue, Lancashire.
- H. Green, Esq., 145, Upper Thames-Street.
- A. Ricardo, Esq., 11, Angel Court, Throgmorton-Street
- W. Matheson, Esq., Gillingham, Kent.
- W. G. Remaine, Esq., 4, Harcourt-Buildings, Temple.
- E. Pettitt, Esq., Ufton Grove, Kingsland
- W. Sewell, Esq.. 8, Portland Place, Lower Clapton.
- W. P. Pickering, Esq., 44, Lincoln's Inn Fields.
- L. Williams, Esq., 35, Throgmorton-Street.
- with power to add their number,
AUDITOR. Thomas Howard Fellows, Esq.
SOLICITOR. Harry S. Styan, Esq., 4, Stone-Buildings, Lincoln's Inn.
BANKERS. The London and County Bank, 21, Lombard-Street.
THIS Company has been Established for the purpose of more fully developing the Business carried on by the Bituminous Shale Company, and of improving the Manufactures that Company by the application, advisable, of Patent and other Inventions having relation to Manures, Mineral Oils, &c.
The extensive Works, Plant, &c., of the Bituminous Shale Company, which are in the most complete order, with their Leases, Goodwill, and entire Interest and Business, have been purchased by the Directors of the Shale Manure and Naptha Company, for the sum of £30,000; and the Bituminous Shale Company have agreed to take part of their claim, to the amount of £28,500, paid-up Shares of this Company.
It is proposed to raise the sum of £20,500 by the issue of the remaining 26,500 shares; a considerable number of which have been taken up and the Company is now completely registered. In order to remove one of the greatest objections incidental to Joint Stock Companies, the promoters have subscribed for further number, for which Certificates, with an undertaking to transfer when required, will be issued, in exchange for the usual bankers' receipt for £1 per Share, parties who may object to signing the Deed of Settlement.
The Company's present Works are capable of making immediate and very satisfactory returns, but, in order to meet the large and increasing demand for the Manure, it is intended to erect additional Steam Power, &c., for manufacturing the Shale and other Manures, and the various products hereafter mentioned, which are prepared from a peculiar fatty schistus, containing a rich combination of animal and vegetable remains, deposited in inexhaustible strata, under a surface about 2,500 Acres, of which the present Company has the monopoly.
1st. The SHALE MANURE, which has all the valuable properties derived from the presence of Charcoal, Phosphate of Lime, and Sulphate of Ammonia, enriched by mineral grease and chemical wastes. To this branch of their business the Directors attach great importance, more especially since the encouragement recently holden out by the Royal Agricultural Society to the production of cheap and really useful Manures. It is one of the most valuable discoveries introduced for many years to the notice of the Agricultural World. The attention of the public is invited to the numerous Testimonials received on the subject, as affording the best evidence of its value even in trials against Guano, for both root and cereal crops.
2nd. SHALE NAPTHA.—A pure Mineral Spirit of great strength and illuminating power, particularly adapted for Burning in Mines, Quarries, and out-door situations general; for combination with seed and fish oils, thereby increasing their brilliancy, and diminishing their cost; also for the Solution of Gums, India Rubber, Gutta Percha, &c. Contracts can immediately entered into for the whole make of this article.
3rd. A JET VARNISH PAINT, of unrivalled brilliancy, that will stand any degree of heat without shrinking melting; this can be recommended with great confidence, to Railway Companies, Ship Builders, Engineers, Founders, and others. Its peculiar properties are—drying rapidly, and covering a much greater surface than any other paint; preventing rust iron, and the rot wood, by filling up the pores with solid material; it is not affected by acids, and one coat is sufficient give brilliant enamelled surface. It has been tested by the Select Committee of Her Majesty's Board of Ordnance at Woolwich, and has received their unqualified approbation and patronage; also by numerous Railway Companies and private establishments. (See Prospectus.)
4th. MACHINE OIL.—This is extensively used in many Mines, Factories, &c, possesses great lubricating powers due to the presence of Paraffine. (See Prospectus.)
Contracts have been offered to the Company for more than the whole of the Naptha and Machine Oil that can be made at the existing works. consequence the above-mentioned monopoly of the Raw Material, offers have likewise been made for very large quantities of the Raw Shale, at a price remunerating to the Company. The obtainable quantities and the market value of the Company's varied products have long been determined. To realise the estimated profits, it only remains for the Proprietors, with the aid of capital and experience, to carry out, on an extensive scale, the arrangements for sales which have already been entered into. Numerous Testimonials, in favour of the above Articles, far exceeding the limits an Advertisement, are appended to the Prospectus.
Applications for Prospectuses, Information, and in the usual Form for Shares, to Mr. Edward Routh, No. 32, Throgmorton-Street, and Mr. William Joseph Barker, No. 7, Tokenhouse-Yard, Stock and Share Brokers; or Mr. Algernon M. Pollock, Secretary, at the Offices of the Company, 145, Upper Thames-Street.
The Yorkshire Gazette, 7th August 1852
SHALE MANURE and NAPHTHA COMPANY, Established for the Production of MANURES. NAPHTHA: also, Jet Varnish Paint, Mineral Spirit, Machine Oil, and Asphaltum. The business and interest of the Bituminous Shale Company are now amalgamated with this company.
Capital. 50.000l. in 50,000 shares of 1l. each, to paid in full. Completely Registered. Offices. 145, UPPER THAMES STREET, London; Chemical Works. WAREHAM, DORSET. Trustees:The HON. FREDERICK G. BRABAZON PONSONBY Mount-street. Grosvenor-square. JAMES WALKINSHAW. Esq., Sackville-street, Piccadilly. Estimates, based on the experience of the Bituminous Shale Company, have been prepared the order of the Board, from which it appears that the existing Works, with small additional outlay, are capable of producing a profit exceeding 8000l. per annum.
Applications for Prospectuses, information, and Shares Mr. Edward Routh. no. 32, Throgmorton-street, and Mr, William Joseph Barker, No. 7, Tokenhouse-yard, Stock and Share-brokers or to Mr. Algernon M. Pollack, Secretary, at the Office of the Company, 145, Upper Thames-street.
Bell's Weekly Messenger, 28th August 1852
Official Notices
Shale Manure and Naptha Company.
NOTICE is hereby given, that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders in this Company will be held on Tuesday the 14th of December instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the offices of the Company, No. 145, Upper Thames -street, London, for the purpose of dissolving the said Company, and fixing the day for the dissolution thereof; and also for the purpose of taking immediate steps for winding up the Company's affairs. — Dated December 2, 1852.
By order, Algernon M. Pollock, Secretary
The London Gazette, 3rd December 1852