2738. To Stephen Henry Emmens, of No. 2, Gresham-buildings, Basinghall-street, in the city of London, Scientific Referee, for the invention of "improvements in the construction of asphalte roads."
The London Gazette, 27th October 1871
The Kimmeridge Shale Bed, situated on the estate of Col. Mansel, of Smedmore House, is about to be worked by a company. A new cheap process of extracting the oil from the shale by atmospheric pressure has been discovered, and, should the process succeed, the languishing trade of the neighbourhood will doubtless be improved.
Western Gazette, 29th December 1871
3130. To Stephen Henry Emmens, of 2, Gresham-buildings, in the city of London, Scientific Referee, has given the like notice in respect of the invention of " improvements in purifying distillates from carbonaceous or bituminous substances."
The London Gazette, 26th March 1872
The Southampton papers announce the arrival that port of the first cargo of Kimmeridge coal, on its way to one of the London gas-works.
Western Gazette, 12th April 1872
Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists. S. H. Emmens, Kingston House, Brixton-rise, Merchant and Banker S. Isaac 31, Warrington-crescent, Bayswater, W., Merchant and Banker
Names of Places where the Business is carried on:
- 8, Old Jewry, Middlesex
- Trizza Sicilia, Sicily.
- Kimmeridge, Dorset.
The London Gazette, 27th February 1873
Appeal case: Emmens, brothers, appellants;
The Churchwardens and Overseers of Kimmeridge and Wareham Assessment Committee, respondents. Mr Ffooks appeared for the appellants, the respondents not being represented. It appeared that the Overseers had made a rate on the appellants for a coal mine, which in reality was a shale mine, and not rateable, and it was asked that their names might be struck off the rate book which the court ordered to be done.
The Western Gazette, 11th April 1873
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hitherto subsisting between us the undersigned, Stephen Henry Emmens and Samuel Isaac, Financiers, under the style or firm of Emmens Brothers and Company, at 8, Old Jewry, London, E.C., is dissolved as from this date by mutual consent, and that the business hitherto carried on by the said firm will in future be carried on by the said Stephen Henry Emmens alone; and further, that the said Stephen Henry Emmens is authorised to receive and give receipts and discharges for all debts and sums of money due to the late firm, and that all liabilities of the firm will be discharged by him.—Dated this 1st day of April, 1874. Stephen H. Emmens. S Isaac.
The London Gazette, 3rd April 1874
The London Bankruptcy Court. In the Matter of Proceeding's for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Stephen Henry Emmens, of No. 8, Old Jewry in the city of London, Merchant and Banker, trading as Emmens Brothers and Co. NOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the Cannon-street Hotel, Cannon street, in the city of London, on the 27th day of May, 1875, at twelve o'clock at noon precisely.
The London Gazette, 7th May 1875.